The Master's Industrial Internship Program joined the UO Physics Department and UO Women in Physics to host the annual Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics in January. Over 200 undergraduate women in physics were on campus to attend workshops and presentations led by leaders in academia and industry. The event also featured a poster session and networking opportunities. Alumnae from Thermo Fisher Scientific, ESI, Voxtel and Zemaz were on hand to talk with students about their experiences in industry.
Program director Stacey York hosted a workshop on implicit bias for the conference. Stacey talked about how to recognize and overcome implicit bias in ourselves and others in order to enhance career opportunities. She also hosted a workshop on resume writing. Follow us on Facebook.
The American Physical Society hosts regional CUWIP conferences all over the country each January. Next year's conference will be at the University of Washington in Seattle, January 18-20. We will be there with program alumnae and hope to see YOU. Let us know if you'll be attending and want to connect by emailing Lynde Ritzow at