Scholarships and Funding Opportunities

Scholarship information up to date as of February 19, 2025.

The Knight Campus Graduate Internship Program offers a number of merit-based and need-based scholarships to help alleviate financial obstacles that might prevent students from participating in our program. In addition to the scholarships we provide through our program, we have collected information on university scholarships and additional resources relevant to different student populations.

For questions about funding, please contact: Lynde Ritzow & Betsy Tanenbaum at 

KCGIP Inclusion & Diversity Scholarship

Launched in 2017, the Inclusion & Diversity Scholarship has been supported by generous gifts from Thermo Fisher Scientific, MKS Instruments, and the Knight Campus Graduate Internship Program.

All applicants to the Knight Campus Graduate Internship Program are encouraged to apply for this unique scholarship opportunity.

Application details

Priority Deadline

March 14, 2025

Award Notification

April 7, 2025


All incoming students admitted to the Knight Campus Graduate Internship Program are eligible for this scholarship.

Award Amount

Scholarships range from $500 - $5000, based on overall number and strength of essays received. Scholarship amounts may vary from year to year. Essays are reviewed separately from the program application and do not impact admission; however, only admitted students can receive scholarship funds.


1) Please complete this form.

Working in industry and research labs requires collaboration, teamwork, and the ability to work with a range of persons who may have identities, backgrounds, lived experiences, and personal ideologies differing from your own. 

2) Please write a 250 - 500 word essay responding to both of the following prompts: 

Prompt 1) Describe how inclusion, equity and diversity* have positively or negatively impacted your pursuit of science.

Prompt 2) Describe how you have demonstrated a commitment to inclusion, equity and diversity through the support of others from historically excluded communities? (Note: This should include past and current commitment vs. future aspirations.) 

*Diversity comes in a variety of forms, including but not limited to gender, race, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, rural populations, veterans, and other non-visible differences. 

3) Save your essay in PDF format and label it as follows: Last name_First name_Inclusion.pdf

Email it, attention Betsy Tanenbaum: before midnight, March 14, 2025 and use the subject header "Inclusion Scholarship Submission."


The I&D Scholarship Review Committee is composed of individuals who do not have influence in grading coursework for the program, nor are members part of the program admissions committee. To protect the confidentiality and safety of applicants, essays are blinded during the review process. Essays are not shared outside of the committee and all content will remain confidential.

Questions? Email Betsy Tanenbaum (

Apply for Inclusion & Diversity Scholarship

Oregon Pathways to Industry Research Careers Scholarship 

The Oregon Pathways to Industry Research Careers will accelerate the high-tech careers of KCGIP students, with an emphasis on supporting individuals with high financial need who began their secondary educational journeys at community college.  

Scholarships are supported by a National Science Foundation S-STEM Grant.

Application details

Priority Deadline

March 1, 2025

Award Notification

April 7, 2025


  • Admission into the Knight Campus Graduate Internship Program
  • US Resident
  • Scholarship priority is given to students from high financial-need backgrounds who began their educational journey at community college.  

Award Amount

Up to $15,000.

Total award amount is determined by the Financial Aid Office. This award is a “last dollar” scholarship, meaning that all other scholarships will be awarded first before determining the award amount given.  


  1. Submit both the 2024-25 and 2025-26 FAFSA to UO's Financial Aid Office by March 1, 2025 to see if you qualify for this award based on your income status.  NOTE: Students enrolled in graduate programs typically file their FAFSA as “independent” from parental support. Please contact the financial aid office if you have questions. NOTE: If you have previously submitted a FAFSA, ensure you update it to include the University of Oregon.
  2. Submit this form to indicate your past enrollment in community college.   


Email Stacey York (

KCGIP Workforce Ready Training Fellowship

The Workforce Ready Training Fellowships will accelerate the high-tech careers of students admitted to the Knight Campus Graduate Internship Program, with an emphasis on supporting individuals with high financial need residing in Oregon. 

Scholarships are supported by a Future Ready Oregon Workforce Ready Grant from the Higher Education Coordinating Commission and will expand the impact of the NSF Oregon Pathways to Industry Research Careers program.  

Application details

Priority Deadline

March 1, 2025

Award Notification

April 7, 2025


  • Admission into the Knight Campus Graduate Internship Program
  • US permanent resident (DREAMer students are encouraged to apply). Oregon residents are given prioritization. If you are unsure of your residency status, please review information here.
  • Qualify as an individual with high financial need. 

Award Amount

Up to $15,000.

Total award amount may be impacted by receipt of other UO Knight Campus scholarships and total # of awards made.


  1. Indicate your residency status on your program application. Residency may be verified post-award.
  2. Submit a 2024-25 FAFSA or ORSAA to UO's financial aid office (Apply for Financial Aid) by March 1, 2025 to see if you qualify for this award based on high financial need (low-income) status. NOTE: If you have previously submitted a FAFSA, ensure you update it to include the University of Oregon.
  3. Submit this form, which also provides you consideration for the Oregon Pathways to Industry Research Careers Scholarship.   


Email Stacey York (

KCGIP General Scholarship

Application details

Priority Deadline

Application Deadline (Feb 15)

Award Notification



All students admitted to the Knight Campus Graduate Internship Program are eligible for this scholarship. Overall strength of program application will be used as a consideration for award conferral.

Award Amount



Your program application (priority deadline Feb 15th) results in automatic consideration for this scholarship.


Email Lynde Ritzow & Betsy Tanenbaum (

Other Scholarship Opportunities

These scholarships all require additional applications. The graduate application you submit to apply to our program will not automatically make you considered for these scholarships. Follow the links to learn more.

Funding Opportunities Specific to International Students

Information for Dreamer Students*

*At the University of Oregon, the term “Dreamers” refers to Undocumented, DACA-mented, Tuition Equity, and students of mixed status families.

For Dreamer students, we highly advise that you contact our team as early as possible to discuss.

Dreamer students should visit the Financial Aid for Dreamers page, and consider:

Other Funding Opportunities


9-month paid internships are a hallmark of the Knight Campus Graduate Internship Program, with 98% of students completing this requirement. The average annualized internship compensation for the past year is $74,000. Internship compensation typically varies based on cost-of-living, with higher internship compensation in high cost of living areas such as Seattle, Bay Area, and Boston.

Graduate Employee*

UO departments offer Graduate Employee (GE) assistantships that master's students may apply for outside of summer term.

GE compensation package includes:

  • Monthly salary
  • Full-time tuition waiver
  • Mandatory fees subsidy
  • Subsidized health insurance premiums, including coverage for eligible dependents

For more information visit:

*GE appointments are limited and competitive. Students are responsible for ensuring GE duties do not conflict with course schedules. We recommend talking with program staff if you are considering applying for a GE position.

Other Student Employee Positions

The university offers hourly student worker positions throughout the academic year, including tutoring, office assistant, etc.

For more information visit: