Optics Full Curriculum Course Descriptions

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Optics Full Curriculum Descriptions
A laser light going through an object

PHYS 626: Physical Optics with Lab

Credits: 4    
Instructors: David McIntyre, Shannon Mayer 
Term: Summer

Students will learn how to derive theoretical descriptions of various optical components and systems from first principles. By building and optimizing optical systems (beam expanders, interferometers, optical cavities, isolators, etc.) using a host of optical components (mirrors, lenses, gratings, beam splitters, etc.), students learn how to control the flow of electromagnetic radiation through space.

Two people work in a lab

PHYS 627: Optical Materials and Devices and Physical Optics

Credits: 4    
Instructors: David McIntyre, Shannon Mayer 
Term: Summer

The second lecture & lab course covers the fundamental principles and practical operation of optoelectronic tools such as photodiodes, light emitting and laser diodes, digital cameras and numerous other devices commonly found in an optics laboratory. Theoretical topics are introduced in lecture covering the inner workings of these devices while time in lab is used to learn the proper handling, operation and characterization of optoelectronic devices that emit and detect light.


PHYS 610: LASERs & Nonlinear Optics

Credits: 2       
Instructors: David McIntyre, Eryn Cook 
Term: Summer

This course introduces optical phenomena that require the laws of quantum mechanics and nonlinear dynamics. Students are introduced to the fundamentals of light and matter interactions with an emphasis on laser operating principles. Students will then study the physics and applications of nonlinear optics including a formal definition of the nonlinear susceptibility, which is related to the index of refraction. We will specifically look at applications to generate or modulate light.

A person using scientific equipment

PHYS 610: Advanced Projects Lab

Credits: 4      
Instructors: Bryan Boggs 
Term: Summer

In this final core course, students work in pairs to apply their recently gained knowledge on a five-week project. Students choose a project which allow them to deepen their experience in a field they have found interesting during the previous three courses. The advanced projects lab gives students a chance to work on open-ended projects that reflect the experiences commonly had by students during their internships. Examples of past projects include: the design and construction of a double-clad high-power continuous-wave fiber laser, Erbium-doped fiber amplifier, high-power ultrafast fiber laser, fiber dispersion characterization tools (modal and temporal dispersion), optical tweezers – and building various semiconductor optical metrology tools.

Two people working together on a computer

CH 610: Professional Communication in Science

Credits: 1        
Instructors: Stacey York 
Term: Summer

Students learn and apply foundational skills critical for career progression of scientists and engineers. Core elements include: composing a competitive resume; sharing impactful answers during behavioral and technical interviews; and building a strong professional network.

A scientific device

PHYS 610: Optical Modeling with OpticsStudio

Credits: 2         
Instructors: Kieran Lerch 
Term: Fall

Students will model and analyze optical systems in OpticStudio, a widely used software package in the optics industry. Topics covered include performance optimization, tolerancing and manufacturing, and accessing online resources. Through this course students will gain the ability to use OpticStudio to model commercial optical elements and systems as well as create and optimize novel optical systems. Students will be shown creative approaches to solving problems that they might ordinarily consider outside of the scope of their training.

A wavy gray patterned object

Electives: Physics or related discipline Graduate Level Electives

Credits: 8          
Instructors: Varies 
Term: Fall

Students further specialize or broaden their knowledge through 8 credits of elective coursework (the equivalent of two UO courses). Popular electives include: Design of Experiments, Electron Microscopy, Introduction to Surface Analysis and Electron Probe Microanalysis.

Microfluidic chip sensor

PHYS 601: Research Internship

Credits: 10 per term, 30 total           
Instructors: Peter Schwarz 
Term: Winter, Spring, and Summer

Within an academic, clinical, industrial, or national lab setting, students gain hands-on experience in the application of their knowledge. Each term, students write a review paper to demonstrate advancement of technical knowledge and development of written communication skills. Learn more about the internship by visiting our website at internship.uoregon.edu/optics-internships.